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Automatic Power On#

Automatic Power On

Wake on LAN

Controls the wake up event from onboard LAN and PCI LAN.


  1. Enabled - Default.
  2. Disabled - disables Wake on LAN.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
WakeonLAN Primary, Automatic, Disabled yes
Wake from Serial Port Ring

Select whether to enable Wake from Serial Port Ring.


  1. Enabled - Default.
  2. Disabled.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
WakefromSerialPortRing Primary, Automatic, Disabled yes
Wake Up on Alarm

Options to turn on your system on a specific day of the month, specific day of the week, or daily at a given time.

A single wake up event, or series of alarm events, can also be defined.

  • Selecting User Defined enables the User Defined Alarm settings.
  • Values in these fields may be overwritten by the operating system.


  1. Disabled - Default.
  2. User Defined - a series of alarm events.
  3. Single Event
  4. Daily Event
  5. Weekly Event
Startup Sequence

Select the startup sequence after a Wake Up on Alarm event.


  1. Primary - enables primary startup sequence. Default.
  2. Automatic - disables automatic selection of startup sequence.
  3. Boot Order.
  4. Network Group.
  5. Storage Group.
  6. SATA 1.
  7. SATA 2.
  8. SATA 3.
  9. SATA 4.
  10. M.2 Drive 1.
  11. M.2 Drive 2.
  12. PCIe Drive 1.
  13. PCIe Drive 2.
  14. VMD.
  15. USB HDD.
  16. USB CDROM.
  17. Network 1.
  18. Network 2.
  19. Network 3.
  20. Network 4.
  21. Network 5.
  22. Network 6.
  23. Network 7.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
StartupSequence Primary, Automatic, etc yes_no
Alarm Time (HH : MM : SS)

Specify the time when the system is to wake up.

Hours / minutes / seconds format.

Alarm Date (MM / DD / YYYY)
Specify the precise date in month / day / year format.
Alarm day of week


  1. Sunday - Default.
  2. Monday.
  3. Tuesday.
  4. Wednesday.
  5. Thursday.
  6. Friday.
  7. Saturday.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
AlarmDayofWeek Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday yes
User Defined Alarm

User-defined Alarm

Select the day(s) of the week when the system is to wake up. Each {Weekday} (Sunday to Saturday) has its own setting.



  1. Disabled - disables wake-up. Default.
  2. Enabled - enables wake-up.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
UserDefinedAlarmFriday Disabled, Enabled yes

The WMI setting name for the wake-up timer week shown here is for Friday. For the other weekdays replace Friday with the weekday's name.

User Defined Alarm Time (HH : MM : SS)
Specify the time when the system is to wake up.