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Serial Port Setup#

Serial Port Setup

Serial Port 1 Address

Choose or disable interrupt lines for serial port 1.


  1. 2F8/IRQ3 - Default.
  2. 3F8/IRQ4.
  3. 3E8/IRQ4.
  4. 2E8/IRQ3.
  5. Disabled - the serial port will not be available to the OS.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
SerialPort1Address 2F8/IRQ3, 3F8/IRQ4, 3E8/IRQ4, 2E8/IRQ3, Disabled yes
Serial Port 2 Address

Choose or disable interrupt lines for serial port 2.


  1. 2F8/IRQ3 - Default.
  2. 3F8/IRQ4.
  3. 3E8/IRQ4.
  4. 2E8/IRQ3.
  5. Disabled - the serial port will not be available to the OS.