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USB Setup#

USB Setup

USB Port Access


  1. Enabled - Default.
  2. Disabled - disables USB.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
USBPortAccess Disabled, Enabled yes
USB Bios Support

BIOS support for USB mouse and keyboard:

  1. Enabled - Default.
  2. Disabled.
USB Enumeration Delay

Provides extra delay to USB enumeration (detection and recognition of connected USB devices), to improve compatibility.

This may increase POST time.

  1. Enable.
  2. Disabled - Default.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
USBEnumerationDelay Disabled, Enabled yes
Front USB Ports

Affects all of the front USB ports (numbered):

  1. Enabled - Default.
  2. Disabled - disables front USB ports, numbered.

When Disabled is selected, settings for all front USB ports will not be shown.

WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
FrontUSBPorts Disabled, Enabled yes
USB Port

One of the front USB ports, total number depending on model.


  1. Enable - Default.
  2. Disable.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
USBPort1 Disabled, Enabled yes

The WMI setting name is shown here for USB port 1. For other ports 2-10 replace the 1 with the port number.

Rear USB Ports

Affects all of the rear USB ports (numbered):

  1. Enabled - Default.
  2. Disabled - disables rear USB ports, numbered.

When Disabled is selected, settings for all rear USB ports will not be shown.

WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP
RearUSBPorts Disabled, Enabled yes
USB Port

One of the rear USB ports, total number (and labeling) depending on model.


  1. Enable - Default.
  2. Disable.