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Internal Device Access Settings#

Bottom Cover Tamper Detection

Whether to enable tamper detection.

If tampering is detected, Supervisor Password is required to boot the system.

Possible options:

  1. On
  2. Off - Default.

Bottom Cover Tamper Detection will not take effect unless Supervisor Password is enabled.

WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
BottomCoverTamperDetected Disable, Enable Yes Both
Internal Storage Tamper Detection

Whether to detect removal of any fixed or removable Internal storage while the system is in sleep state (S3).

If a storage device is removed while the system is in S3 state, the system will shutdown when woken from S3.

Unsaved data will be lost.

Possible options:

  1. On
  2. Off – Default.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
InternalStorageTamper Disable, Enable Yes Both