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Power Settings#



Intel (R) SpeedStep Technology

Whether to switch on Intel (R) SteedStep Technology at runtime

Possible options:

  1. On – Default.
  2. Off
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
SpeedStep Disable, Enable No Intel
Scheme for AC

Select thermal management scheme.

Possible options:

  1. Maximize Performance - reduces CPU throttling. Default.
  2. Balanced - balanced sound, temperature, and performance.

Each scheme affects fan sound, temperature, and performance.

WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
AdaptiveThermalManagementAC MaximizePerformance, Balanced No Both
Scheme for Battery

Select thermal management scheme.

Possible options:

  1. Maximize Performance - reduces CPU throttling.
  2. Balanced - balanced sound, temperature, and performance. Default.

Each scheme affects fan sound, temperature, and performance.

WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
AdaptiveThermalManagementBattery MaximizePerformance, Balanced No Both
Intelligent Cooling Boost

Whether to improve power efficiency by limiting system power based on the selected OS application, when Intelligent Cooling is on.

This feature is Windows only.

For more details about Intelligent Cooling mode, please refer to Vantage or the user guide.


  1. On - Default.
  2. Off.
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel
IntelligentCoolingBoost Disable,Enable yes both
CPU Power Management

Whether to shut down the microprocessor clock automatically when there are no system activities, for power saving.

Possible options:

  1. Automatic - Default.
  2. Disabled

Normally, it is not necessary to change this setting.

WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
CPUPowerManagement Disable, Automatic No Both
Power On with AC Attach

Whether to power on the system when AC is attached.

If the system is in hibernate state, the system resumes upon AC connect.

Possible options:

  1. Enabled
  2. Disabled - Default.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
OnByAcAttach Disable, Enable No Both
Sleep State

Optimized Sleep States.

  • Sleep State for Windows® and versions of Linux are compatible with Suspend-to-Idle.
  • Optimized Sleep State for S3 are not compatible with Suspend-to-Idle.
  • Windows® OS should be used with Windows setting only.


  1. Windows and Linux - Default.
  2. Linux S3
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel
SleepState Linux, Windows, Windows10 yes both


The possible setting values may vary by model and newer systems may not include this setting. Always verify on a targeted system before deploying.

Disable Built-in Battery

Temporarily disables the battery to service the system.

This option requires additional confirmation.

  • After selecting this item, the system will be automatically powered off, ready to be serviced.
  • The battery will be automatically enabled when the AC adapter is reconnected.

Automatic Power On#

Autopower on

Wake Up on Alarm

Define when the system will turn on automatically.

Possible options:

  1. Disabled - the system will not turn on automatically. Default.
  2. Single Event - the system will turn on one-time on the specified day and time.
  3. Daily Event - the system will turn on every day at the specified time.
  4. Weekly Event - the system will turn on every week on the specified day and time.
  5. User Defined - this option enables ‘User Defined Alarm’ group of settings.

Wake up will only occur on AC power. Values for the Wake Up on Alarm group of settings can be overwritten by the operating system.

WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
WakeUponAlarm Disable, UserDefined, WeeklyEvent,
DailyEvent, SingleEvent
Yes Both
Alarm Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Select the exact day for the system to turn on.

Active only when Wake Up on Alarm has value Single Event.

Possible options:

  1. N/A – Default.
  2. MM/DD/YYYY:
    a. MM – Months: January to December
    b. DD – Date: 1 ~ 31
    c. YYYY – Year: 1980 ~ 2099
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
AlarmDate MM/DD/YYYY Yes Both
Alarm Time (HH : MM : SS)

Select the exact time for the system to turn on.

Active when Wake Up on Alarm has one of the values:

  • Single Event
  • Daily Event
  • Weekly Event

Possible options:

  1. N/A – Default
  2. HH : MM : SS
    a. HH - Hour: 00 ~ 23
    b. MM - Minute: 00 ~ 59
    c. SS - Second: 00 ~ 59
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
AlarmTime HH/MM/SS Yes Both
Alarm Day of Week

Select the exact day for the system to turn on.

Active only when Wake Up on Alarm has value Weekly Event.

Possible options:

  1. N/A – Default
  2. Sunday
  3. Monday
  4. Tuesday
  5. Wednesday
  6. Thursday
  7. Friday
  8. Saturday
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
AlarmDayofWeek Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Yes Both

Automatic Power On - User Defined Alarm#

User defined alarm

Sunday - Saturday

Whether the system will turn on automatically on this day.

  1. Off - Default.
  2. On
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
Disable, Enable Yes Both
User Defined Alarm Time (HH : MM : SS)

Select the exact time for the system to turn on.

Possible options:

  1. HH : MM : SS
    a. HH - Hour: 00 ~ 23
    b. MM - Minute: 00 ~ 59
    c. SS - Second: 00 ~ 59
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
UserDefinedAlarmTime HH/MM/SS Yes Both