DASH Configuration#
- DASH Support
- Disabled - Default.
- Enabled.
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel DASHSupport Disabled, Enabled yes AMD
Console Redirection Settings#
- Console Redirection
- Enabled
- Disabled - Default.
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel ConsoleRedirection Disabled, Enabled yes AMD - Console Redirection Terminal Type
The following emulation types are available:
- ANSI: Extended ASCII char set.
- VT100: ASCII char set.
- VT100+: Extends VT100 to support color, function keys, etc.
- VT-UTF8: Uses UTF8 encoding to map Unicode chars onto 1 or more bytes.Options:
- VT100
- VT100+
- ANSI - Default.
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel ConsoleRedirectionTerminalType VT100, VT100+, VT-UTF8, ANSI yes AMD - Bits Per Second
- 9600
- 19200
- 38400
- 57600
- 115200 - Default.
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel BitsPerSecond 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 yes AMD - Data Bits
- 7
- 8 - Default.
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel DataBits 7, 8 yes AMD - Parity Mode
A parity bit can be sent with the data bits to detect some transmission errors.
- Even: parity bit is 0 if the number of 1's in the data bits is even.
- Odd: parity bit is 1 if the number of 1's in the data bits is odd.
- Mark: parity bit is always 1.
- Space: Parity bit is always 0.
Mark and Space Parity do not allow for error detection. They can be used as an additional data bit.
- None - Default.
- Even
- Odd
- Mark
- Space
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel ParityMode None, Even, Odd, Mark, Space yes AMD - Stop Bits
- 1 - Default.
- 2
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel StopBits 1, 2 yes AMD - Flow Control
- Hardware RTS/CTS
- None - Default.
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel FlowControl Hardware RTS/CTS, None yes AMD - VT UTF8 Combo Key Support
- Disabled
- Enabled - Default.
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel VTUTF8ComboKeySupport Disabled, Enabled yes AMD - Recorder Mode
- Disabled
- Enabled - Default.
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel RecorderMode Disabled, Enabled yes AMD - Resolution 100x31
- Disabled - Default.
- Enabled
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel Resolution100x31 Disabled, Enabled yes AMD - Legacy OS Redirection Resolution
On Legacy OS, specifies the number of Columns and Rows supported in the console redirection.
- 80x24 - Default.
- 80x20
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel LegacyOSRedirectionResolution 80x24, 80x20 yes AMD - Putty KeyPad
Select FunctionKey and KeyPad on Putty
- VT100 - Default.
- Linux
- VT401
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel PuttyKeyPad VT100, Linux, XTERM6, SCO, ESCN, VT401 yes AMD - Redirection After BIOS POST
This setting specifies if BootLoader is selected then Legacy console redirection is disabled before booting to Legacy OS.
Default value is Always Enable which means Legacy console Redirection is enabled for Legacy OS.
- Always Enable - Default.
- BootLoader
WMI Setting name Values SVP or SMP Req'd AMD/Intel RedirectionAfterBIOSPOST Always Enable, BootLoader yes AMD