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Intel(R) Manageability Settings#

Intel Manageability

Intel(R) Manageability


  1. Enabled – Default.
  2. Disabled.

When Disabled:
a. If system is provisioned, MEBx (Management Engine BIOS Extension) will be unprovisioned first.
b. Manageability functions will be disabled. You can enter BIOS to re-enable Intel(R) Manageability.

When changing from Enabled to Disabled, after saving and exiting SETUP, you need to unplug the AC power cord and plug it in again.

WMI Setting name Values SVP / SMP Req'd AMD/Intel
ManageabilityControl Disabled, Enabled yes Intel
Intel(R) Manageability Reset


  1. Enabled.
  2. Disabled – Default.

When Enabled, Intel(R) Manageability settings will reset to default configuration.
The MEBx password will also be reset.

Press < Ctrl-P > to Enter MEBx
Management Engine BIOS Extension (MEBx) provides platform-level configuration options for you to configure the behavior of Management Engine (ME) platform.


  1. Enabled – Default.
  2. Disabled.
WMI Setting name Values SVP / SMP Req'd AMD/Intel
CtrlPEnterMEBx Disabled, Enabled yes Intel

ME Firmware Version#

Management Engine (ME) Firmware version. View only.

Intel(R) based models only.

Manageability Type#

Manageability Type. View only.


  1. None
  2. Intel(R) AMT
  3. Intel(R) Standard Manageability
  4. Intel(R) Level III Manageability Upgrade

SOL Configuration#

SOL (Serial over LAN) configuration group of settings.

Console Type


  1. VT100
  2. VT100-8bit
  3. PC-ANSI-7bit
  4. PC-ANSI
  5. VT100+ – Default.
  6. VT-UTF8
  7. ASCII
WMI Setting name Values SVP / SMP Req'd AMD/Intel
SOLConfiguration VT100, VT100-8bit, PC-ANSI-7bit, PC-ANSI, VT100+, VT-UTF8, ASCII yes Intel
USB Provisioning


  1. Enabled.
  2. Disabled - Default.
WMI Setting name Values SVP / SMP Req'd AMD/Intel
USBProvisioning Disabled, Enabled yes Intel