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Parallel Port Setup Settings#

Parallel Port Setup

Parallel Port Address

Whether the Parallel Port will be seen by the OS.

If Disabled, the Parallel Port Mode, EPP Version and Parallel Port IRQ settings will become unavailable.


  1. Disabled.
  2. 378 – Default.
  3. 278
WMI Setting name Values SVP / SMP Req'd AMD/Intel
ParallelPortAddress 278, 378 yes Both
EPP Version

Sets the Enhanced Parallel Port version to use.

Differences between the two versions may affect the operation of devices.


  1. 1.9 – Default.
  2. 1.7
WMI Setting name Values SVP / SMP Req'd AMD/Intel
EPPVersion 1.7, 1.9 yes Both
Parallel Port IRQ

Select the IRQ (interrupt request) for the parallel port.


  1. IRQ7 – Default.
  2. IRQ5
WMI Setting name Values SVP / SMP Req'd AMD/Intel
ParallelPortIRQ IRQ5, IRQ7 yes Both