Lenovo Client Scripting Module#
The Lenovo Client Scripting Module is a PowerShell Module containing numerous cmdlets which provide useful information or simplified actions that can be leveraged in day to day management of Lenovo commercial PCs (ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkStation).
The Lenovo Client Scripting Module requires 64-bit PowerShell v5.1 or higher and runs on Windows 10 and Windows 11.
What's New
November 7, 2024: Version 2.0.0#
Changed name to Lenovo.Client.Scripting to avoid confusion with Lenovo Device Manager product and to provide consistency with other PowerShell modules. The version is reset 1.0.0. This version supersedes all prior versions of the Lenovo Device Management Module (LDMM). Prior versions of LDMM should be removed from devices.
Added new cmdlet Get-LnvBiosInfo and Find-LnvBiosInfo which return an object containing details about the BIOS for the running device or device specified by Machine Type or BIOS code, respectively.
Added new cmdlet Get-LnvWarranty which returns the details collected by Commercial Vantage in WMI. Commercial Vantage is required and must be configured in group policy to enable writing the warranty information to WMI.
Made several fixes to Get-LnvUpdatesRepo. The ScanOnly option is no longer available as it will not work with Thin Installer. Added -PackageList as a parameter to specify a string of specific updates, by Package ID, which should be included in the repository.
Installing Lenovo Client Scripting Module#
The module itself is currently available for download here: Lenovo.Client.Scripting.zip
The plan is to eventually have it published in the PowerShell Gallery so it can easily be installed with the Install-Module command. For now, the module can be copied to a system and the Import-Module command can be used to install it.
The zip file contains the module folder, Lenovo.Client.Scripting, which contains the Lenovo.Client.Scripting.psm1 and Lenovo.Client.Scripting.psd1 files plus the Public and Private sub-folders containing individual PowerShell scripts for the various functions. To manually install the module, there are two locations that the module folder can be copied to:
- Per User: %UserProfile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
- All Users: %ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
To ensure the module is loaded it is recommended that you first remove the LnvDeviceManagementModule first:
Then import the Lenovo.Client.Scripting module:
Cmdlet Reference#
Run Script to set Admin command line Windows Registry settings for Lenovo System Update.
Parameter Type Mandatory Search String True Action String True Scheduler Int False IncludeRebootPackages String False PackageTypes String False NoReboot False Switch NoIcon Switch False RebootPrompt Switch False Repository String False ExportToWmi Switch False Search#
Must be one of the following values [C, R, A].
Must be one of the following values [DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, LIST].
Must be one of the following values [1, 3, 4, 5], or multiple values separated with a comma.
Must be one of the following values [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], or multiple values separated with a comma.
Must be a local folder path, a UNC file share path, or a URL to a web-hosted repository.
INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: System.Int32. 0 - success System.Int32. 1 - unsuccess Messages: [LDA_INFORMATION_%TIMESTAMP%]: Script execution started. Script execution finished. [LDA_ERROR_%TIMESTAMP%]: %PARAMETERS_VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGE% Unexpected error occurred: %POWERSHELL_ERROR_MESSAGE% Lenovo System Update was not found at the default installation path.
Read messages to determine the result of the script working.
This cmdlet sets the appropriate registry key to cause the System Update Add-in to perform logging during update sessions. If neither the -Enable or -Disable switches are specified, then logging will be ENABLED.
Parameter Type Mandatory Enable Switch False Disable Switch False Example#
Add-LnvSULogging -Enable
When logging is enabled a restart may be required and the log file will be located at
Generates a .reg file containing an export of the Update Retriever settings found at:
HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Lenovo\Update Retriever\Preferences\UserSetting\General
These settings include the local repository path that was last used and the list of models in the Systems list that can be searched for in Update Retriever. Specify the output file name without an extension. If an extension other than .reg is specified it will be ignored and the output file will have a .reg extension.
Parameter Type Mandatory Outfile String True Example#
Export-LnvUpdateRetrieverConfig -Outfile C:\users\admin\Downloads\urconfig
Shows results for search string representing model friendly name or machine type. The BIOS code is the first four characters of the BIOS image name. It is a useful data point for uniquely targeting a model.
When specifying the friendly model name, it may be necessary to remove any reference to the generation in order to find the desired model because the representation of the generation may vary. By not specifying the generation as in the second example below, the results will contain a list of all the generations.
Parameter Type Mandatory ModelName String True Example#
Find-LnvBiosCode -ModelName 'ThinkPad X13 Yoga Gen 4'
Find-LnvBiosCode 'ThinkPad X13 Yoga'
Find-LnvBiosCode 21F3
Returns table results for search string representing model friendly name or bios code. Only one is required. The parameter name and value must be specified in order to distinguish which is being searched. The returned BIOS information includes the BIOS code, available version, url to updated executable, link to readme file, and list of CVEs.
Parameter Type Mandatory ModelName String True BiosCode String True Example#
Find-LnvBiosInfo -MachineType '21DD'
Find-LnvBiosInfo -BiosCode 'n3je'
- The first four characters of the dock product number is the machine type.
- This command returns the dock model name by searching for the machine type.
- The -Details switch controls whether the full dock details are displayed.
- If -Details is not specified then only the dock name will be returned.
- If -Details is provided then the PnP IDs for the USB Billboard device and the audio device will be shown. These can be used when targeting laptops that have this dock attached.
Parameter Type Mandatory MachineType String True Details Switch False Example#
Find-LnvDockModel -MachineType 40AN -Details
Returns a list of the available driver packs for the machine type specified which includes the OS and the OS build version, the CRC of the pack, and the URL to the package executable. The OS will be "win10" or "win11" and the OS build version will be the four character designator like "21H2" or "22H2".
Parameter Type Mandatory MachineType String True Example#
Find-LnvDriverPack -MachineType 21DD
Find-LnvDriverPack 21DD
$url = (Find-LnvDriverPack -MachineType 21DD | Where-Object { (($_.OS -eq 'win10') -and ($_.version -eq '21H2')) }).'#text'
OUTPUTS: An object consisting of "os", "version", "crc", or "#text" elements where "#text" represents the URL to the package executable file.
The Where-Object cmdlet can be used to filter on OS and version to return just one URL. The URL is in the '#text' field of the returned object.
By specifying a search string representing model friendly name, this cmdlet will return the possible machine types that match. Most models have more than one possible machine type. Providing a more detailed model name to search for will help reduce the number of results returned.
Parameter Type Mandatory ModelName String True Example#
Find-LnvMachineType -ModelName 'ThinkPad P1 Gen 5'
Find-LnvMachineType -ModelName 'ThinkPad P1 '
A space after the model name such as 'ThinkPad P1 ' will limit the search to ThinkPad P1 models and not include ThinkPad P15 or ThinkPad P16 models. Likewise, use 'ThinkPad X1 ' to search for ThinkPad X1 Carbon and Yoga models and exclude ThinkPad X13 models.
This cmdlet returns the friendly model name that will be found in WMI on a device with the specified machine type. This is useful in cases where a management portal may display the 10 character machine type model number and the user needs to know the model name of that device.
Parameter Type Mandatory MachineType String True Example#
Find-LnvModel 21DD
Find-LnvModel -MachineType 21DD
The output will also show the other machine types associated with this model.
This script allows users to search for updates for a specified machine type.
- Defaults to Windows 10 updates. WindowsVersion parameter is currently limited to 10 or 11 and can be populated with tab completion.
- Requires users to enter at least a machine type
- Can be called without identifiers so long as you use the right order
- PackageType can be:
1: Application
2: Driver
3: Bios
4: Firmware - RebootType can be:
1: Forced reboot (update itself initiates the reboot)
3: Requires reboot (Thin Installer/System Update/CV initiates the reboot)
4: Forces shutdown (update itself initiates shutdown)
5: Delayed forced reboot (used for firmware, Thin Installer/System Update/CV will enforce reboot with dialog displaying count-down timer) - Severity can be:
1: Critical
2: Recommended
3: Optional
9 can be used for these three parameters to represent 'All'. Multiples can be combined by separating with comma, for example: "2,3,4" or "1,5" or "1,2"
Find-LnvUpdate displays a grid-view of the results. A single selected update can be returned when the grid-view is closed. Therefore, execute the following to display the search results and then capture the selected update object:
PS C:\> $update = Find-LnvUpdate -MachineType 21DD -WindowsVersion 11
Then it is possible to view the attributes of the update like this:
PS C:\> $update ID : n3jw603w Name : Qualcomm Bluetooth Driver - 11 (21H2 or later) Category : Bluetooth and Modem Version : PackageType : 2 Reboot : 3 Severity : 1 Descriptor : https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles/n3jw603w_2_.xml PackageExe : https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles/n3jw603w.exe
It is then possible to get the package executable or the package descriptor like this:
PS C:\> start $update.Descriptor
Parameter Type Mandatory MachineType String True PackageType String False RebootType String False Severity String False WindowsVersion String False PackageID String False Example#
Find-LnvUpdate -MachineType 21DD -PackageType 2 -RebootType 1 -WindowsVersion 11
Find-LnvUpdates 21DD 2
Find-LnvUpdate 21DD -PackageType 2
If you specify a machine type, the cmdlet will return the version of the currently available BIOS update. If no machine type is specified, the cmdlet will use the running system's machine type and will compare the version of the currently available update to the version of the system and return an alert if the update is newer.
The -Download switch can be used to trigger the download of the current update in either case.
The -Readme switch will download and display the readme text file at the end if available.
Parameter Type Mandatory MachineType String False WindowsVersion String False Download Switch False ReadMe Switch False Note
WindowsVersion is strictly optional as generally one BIOS update package is released for both Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Get-LnvAvailableBiosVersion -MachineType 21DD -WindowsVersion 10 -Download -ReadMe
This cmdlet will return a list of custom objects which represent each battery in the system. For systems with more than one battery, you can iterate through the list to get the details for each battery.
$ Get-LnvBatteryInfo InstanceName : ACPI\PNP0C0A\0_0 DeviceName : 5B11H56411 DesignedCapacity : 86000 Manufacturer : Celxpert FullChargedCapacity : 85690 Location : Front DesignVoltage : 15440 RemainingCapacity : 85580 PowerOnline : True Charging : False Discharging : False Voltage : 17215 ChargeRate : 0 DischargeRate : 0
This cmdlet will read the BIOS image name from the device and return the first four characters which can be used as the BIOS code in targeting actions to the model uniquely.
This cmdlet will read the BIOS image name from the device and return an object of bios information such as as the BIOS version, bios code, link to executable, link to readme, and list of CVEs unique to the targeting machine.
This cmdlet gets the BIOS password state of the system and interprets it to return the set of passwords set on the device. If the -Number switch is used, then the PasswordState number will be returned instead.
Parameter Type Mandatory Number Switch False Warning
THIS CMDLET REQUIRES ADMIN RIGHTS TO EXECUTE. Make sure the PowerShell session is running with elevated privileges.
This command will return the URL to the current BIOS update package for either the specified machine type or for the machine type of the device running the command.
Parameter Type Mandatory MachineType String False Example#
Get-LnvBiosUpdateUrl -MachineType '21AH'
The device must be a Lenovo ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, or ThinkStation.
Returns the BIOS version in the specified format.
Parameter Type Mandatory Format String/Decimal False Note
String : Returns the full string value of SMBIOSBIOSVersion Decimal : Returns a standard version string in the format of n.nn
Get-LnvBiosVersion -Format 'decimal'
This function handles the different methods used to express the BIOS version between ThinkPad and ThinkCentre/ThinkStation. Desktop BIOS will show build number in hex and the 'decimal' format will convert to a standard version string format.
If no Format is specified, the function will return the full string of the SMBIOSBIOSVersion value.
Returns a list of the CVE identifiers that are listed as addressed vulnerabilities in the current BIOS update for the specified system. A machine type can be passed as a parameter. If no parameter is specified, the machine type of the running system will be used. CVE Data may not be available for all machine types.
Parameter Type Mandatory MachineType String False Example#
Get-LnvCVE -MachineType 21DD
This cmdlet will download the SCCM Driver Pack based on the specified machine type, OS and OS build version. Tab completion can be used to select the OS build version in the correct format. The cmdlet will leverage the default browser for downloading the pack so the user can select the location to save the file to.
Parameter Type Mandatory MachineType String True WindowsVersion String True OSBuildVersion String True Example#
Get-LnvDriverPack -MachineType 21DD -WindowsVersion 10 -OSBuildVersion 22H2
Returns the 4 character machinetype of the running device.
Returns the model name of the running device.
Returns the full 10-character product number of the running device.
Returns the serial number of the running device.
This script allows users to search for updates that will be downloaded to a folder of their choice - Defaults to Windows 10 updates and a repo folder in downloads if you do not specify - Requires users to enter at least a machine type - Can be called without identifiers so long as you use the right order - If a repository folder is specified that doesn't exist the script will create it - PackageType can be:
1: Application
2: Driver
3: Bios
4: Firmware
- RebootType can be:
1: Forced reboot (update itself initiates the reboot)
3: Requires reboot (Thin Installer/System Update/CV initiates the reboot)
4: Forces shutdown (update itself initiates shutdown)
5: Delayed forced reboot (used for firmware, Thin Installer/System Update/CV will enforce reboot with dialog displaying count-down timer)
- Severity can be:
1: Critical
2: Recommended
3: OptionalNote
9 can be used for these three parameters to represent 'All'
Parameter Type Mandatory MachineType String True WindowsVersion String False RepositoryFolder String False PackageType String False RebootType String False Example#
Get-LnvUpdate -MachineType 20E4 -WindowsVersion 10 -RepositoryFolder "C:\repository" -PackageType 1
Get-LnvUpdate 20E4 10 "C:\repository"
Get-LnvUpdate -MachineType "20E6" -RepositoryFolder "C:\repository"
For instances where Update Retriever cannot be used to create the local repository or where full automation of the repository creation is desired. This PowerShell script can be customized and executed on a regular basis to get the latest update packages.
Parameter Type Mandatory RepositoryPath String True MachineType String False WindowsVersion String False PackageTypes String False RebootTypes String False RT5toRT3 Switch False PackageList String False RepositoryPath
Must be a fully qualified path to the folder where the local repository will be saved. Must be surrounded by single quotes.
Must be a string of '10' or '11'. The default if no value is specified will be determined by the OS of the device the script is running on.
Must be a string of Package Type integers separated by commas and surrounded by single quotes. The possible values are:
1: Application
2: Driver
4: Firmware
The default if no value is specified will be all package types.RebootTypes
Must be a string of integers, separated by commas, representing the different boot types and surrounded by single quotes:
0: No reboot required
1: Forces a reboot (not recommended in a task sequence)
3: Requires a reboot (but does not initiate it)
4: Forces a shutdown (not used much anymore)
5: Delayed forced reboot (used by many firmware updates)
The default if no value is specified will be all RebootTypes.RT5toRT3
Specify this parameter if you want to convert Reboot Type 5 (Delayed Forced Reboot) packages to be Reboot Type 3 (Requires Reboot). Only do this in task sequence scenarios where a Restart can be performed after the Thin Installer task. Use the -noreboot parameter on the Thin Installer command line to suppress reboot to allow the task sequence to control the restart.
This parameter can only be used when Thin Installer will be processing the updates in the repository because changing the reboot type will break the XML digital signature. When using version or later of Thin Installer, you must also specify the -ignorexmlsignature to ensure Thin Installer does not skip the updates that have been altered.
Specify a list of updates by their package IDs which can be obtained using Update Retriever. One or more updates can be specified, separated by a comma.
Get-LnvUpdatesRepo -RepositoryPath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\ThinInstaller\Repository'
-PackageTypes '1,2' -RebootTypes '0,3'
Get-LnvUpdatesRepo -RepositoryPath 'Z:\21DD' -PackageTypes '1,2,3' -RebootTypes '0,3,5' -RT5toRT3
INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: System.Int32. 0 - success System.Int32. 1 - fail
Returns the devices available warranty status. This requires that Commercial Vantage be installed and configured through group policy to write warranty information to WMI.
Read an Update_ApplicabilityRulesTrace.txt from Thin Installer or ApplicabilityRulesTrace.txt from Lenovo System Update and show list of package IDs that are applicable. This output string can be passed to the Get-LnvUpdatesRepo cmdlet in the -PackageList parameter to create a local repository of just the specified updates.
Parameter Type Mandatory Path String True Example#
Show-LnvApplicableUpdate -Path 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\Thin Installer\logs\Update_ApplicabilityRulesTrace.txt'