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UEFI BIOS Update Option Settings#


Flash BIOS Updating by End-Users

Whether UEFI BIOS can be updated without entering supervisor password.

Possible options:

  1. Off
  2. On – Default.
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
BIOSUpdateByEndUsers Disable, Enable Yes Both
Secure RollBack Prevention

Whether to prevent flashing to older version of UEFI BIOS.

Defaults to On, if OS Optimized Defaults has value On.

Possible options:

  1. Off – Default.
  2. On
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
SecureRollBackPrevention Disable, Enable Yes Both
Windows UEFI Firmware Update

Whether to allow Windows UEFI Firmware Update.

Possible options:

  1. On – Default.
  2. Off
WMI Setting name Values Locked by SVP AMD/Intel
WindowsUEFIFirmwareUpdate Disable, Enable Yes Both