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System Update Suite#

System Update Suite consists of Lenovo System Update, Update Retriever and Thin Installer.

  • System Update
    Automates patch and update management with a light local client that intelligently identifies and locates necessary updates; either from Lenovo over the Internet or from a local repository created and maintained with Update Retriever.

  • Update Retriever
    Helps IT streamline the process of finding and downloading specific device updates and building targeted repositories on local networks or in the cloud. Constructing secure update repositories is a critical step in maintaining endpoint security and readiness. Lenovo Update Retriever brings automation and intelligence to this important task.

  • Thin Installer
    Works with Update Retriever to pull drivers, software, and system updates from the cloud or a customized update repository on your network. It is ideal for use in scripted environments. With a minimalist user interface, Thin Installer can simply be copied to the target device; no installation required.